The Data Group and Snowflake

Helping you to become data driven

A Single Source of Truth
Your Data Team

Own your data

Our fully-managed ALPHA platform extracts your data from any location in the cloud, or on-premise. We load all your data into your Snowflake data warehouse, so that you finally, and truly, Own Your Data!

Discover your data

After we give you ownership of your data, we show you your data for the very first time. Now we can see how to fix and enrich your data to maximize it's impact!
View Echo
Data Discovery
Connect to an API
FOXTROT is properly connected to source

Use your data

Our no-code FOXTROT API platform puts your one version of the truth Snowflake data warehouse to use. Build apps, customer portals, analytics, marketing campaigns and transform your organization into a data-driven business!
View Foxtrot

More efficient
More profitable
Less mistakes

Let us help you become data driven.

Data Sources

Our ALPHA Platform loads your data from anywhere
With our fully-managed ALPHA platform we can load your Snowflake data warehouse from any data source. Cloud based APIs, on-premise SQL databases, files from any location and yes, even from mainframes.
Data Sources
Successful Connection

Real-Time Data Synch

ALPHA Loads and Refreshes
Our ALPHA platform not only loads all the massive amounts of historical data in all your systems, but it constantly monitors your systems and synchronizes your data into your Snowflake data warehouse so your data is always fresh, relevant and actionable.
API Sync

Develop and Integrate

Vertically Integrate all Your Systems
Once we have your one version of the truth Snowflake data warehouse loaded and refreshing continually, it's time to put your data to use. Our no-code FOXTROT API platform puts your data into action. Develop portals, apps, analytics and integrate your entire stack.

The Data Group by the Numbers





In business
We focus on building lasting relationships through transparent communication, shared values, and rapid results.